Monday, January 26, 2009

New Year, New Blog

It's been a long time since I posted anything on the internet other than the one-liners required for facebook and gchat status updates. As a blogger I admire a lot recently observed, there is something really satisfying about sending a little one-liner out into the world a few moments after you think of it. Sometimes, usually when I'm running, I come up with a whole series of status messages in my head. One line after another just comes to mind. After I'm done with my workout, I post the last one that stuck with me, and there it sits for a few hours or a few days. Other times, the status message is just a little inside joke. Occasionally, the status update is a very public declaration that is, in actuality, a hidden, private prayer that only one or two other folks will understand. I like the genre a lot.

But a blog is different. It's a chance to actually process some little part of the world. Cut it into little bits and stick them into the brain blender and see what comes out. I miss it a little -- the chance to write a few paragraphs rather than a few words. But I've grown apart from my old blog. I don't know if it's because I've grown up a little or because of my radical shift in routine or maybe just the writer's strike last year. In any case, the old blog just won't work for me any more and I need a new place to send my few paragraphs out into the world now and then.

I've been thinking about this new blog for a long time, trying to find just the right moniker -- a theme, a handle, a metaphor -- something that fits with where my brain is at in this new era of my life. I think I finally found it, but I'm having trouble explaining the six or seven different ways that "like riding a bicycle" seems like the perfect phrase to put at the top of the page. I'll save the explanation for the next post.

Like Fibby, I'm resolved to post here about once a week, maybe more often if the spirit moves me. I hope you'll come along for the ride.


fibby said...

Welcome back, LB. I've missed you.

Turbo said...


Cameron said...

Nice page, babe!

GirlTuesday said...

hooray! this is good news, friend.